
This page will
allow you to add/edit/delete users on the forums and virtual folders.
Easy File Sharing Web Server 1.2 is based on a user system. When a user is logged
in, his/her username will be shown with each post he/she makes.
Adding Users
To add a user, click the 'Add...' button, then a new window will pop up. Enter
the userid(username), password and email in the text box on the new window, and
click 'OK' button. The user can use this username and password to login.

Note: if you check the 'Remote administrator' box, this user account will be permitted
to add/delete/edit the user accounts from other computers, and this user can also
delete the files that were uploaded by other users.

When you login with the 'remote administrator' account, you can click the 'Remote
admin' link to administer the user accounts.
User can also register a username when he first visits the site. To do this, click
the small 'I want to register' link at the login page.

Editing Users
To edit a user information, first select a user you want to edit,then click the
'Edit...' button and then a new window will pop up. Here you may adjust the following
UserID - This is the UserName.
Password- The password of the username.
Email - A valid email address of the user.
Level- The user level. There are three user levels in Easy File Sharing Web Server:
Guest:The user is a only guest, the unregistered user(login as a visitor) is also
as Guest. They have only download permission by default. You can adjust their
permissions in a forum/virtual folder.
User:The user is a registered user. They have download/upload permission by default.
You can adjust their permissions in a forum/virtual folder.
Power User:The user is a registered user. They have download/upload permission
by default, you can grant more permissions to them than to User. You can adjust
their permissions in a forum/virtual folder.
State - The current state of a user. When the state is 'Disable', that user may
no longer login to the forum/virtual folder. When they login, they will be informed
that they do not have permission to access the page.
User can also edit his user information when he visits the forums/virtual folders.
To do this, click the small 'User setting' link at the top of any page.

Deleting Users
To delete a user, first select a user you want to delete, then click the 'Delete'
There are three options for you to choose when creating/registering a new account.
Do nothing when creating/registering a new account.
Specify an existing virtual folder for this account:
Specify an existing virtual folder for new account when creating/registering
a new account.
Create a new virtual folder for this account:
Create a new virtual folder named with the account name for this account when
creating/registering a new account.
You must select a parent folder for this new virtual folder, and the new virtual
folder will be created in this folder.
You can set disk quota for this new virtual folder, 0 means unlimited quota.
You can also grant 'download/upload' permission to the new account only for
this new virtual folder.